Agenda Item Summary




Meeting Date: 7/15/2014

City Council: 7/21/2014 Click here to enter date.


Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Long Range Planner III

Planning Commission: 7/10/2014


Petitioner: N/A

Public Works Committee: 7/15/2014


Location:  N/A

Metropolitan Planning Organization: 6/12/2014


Agenda Title:


14TP014 – Authorize staff to advertise the Request for Proposals for the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan.





The City of Rapid City in conjunction with the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the South Dakota Department of Transportation is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to prepare an update to the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.


Every five years, the Metropolitan Planning Organization updates its Long Range Transportation Plan. The purpose of this plan update is to encourage and promote a safe and efficient transportation system to serve future year transportation demands. Results of the Long Range Transportation Plan process are intended to serve the overall mobility needs of the area, while also being cost effective and consistent with state and local goals and objectives.


Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):










Action: Authorize  staff to advertise the Request for Proposals for the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan.

Notes: Planning Commission recommended authorizing: 7/10/14





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Attachments & Links:


Staff Memo

Request for Proposals






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